Preschool psychoeducational services

The Montreal Fluency Centre offers the following psychoeducational services:

  • Assessment to determine if there is a learning or attention disorder (ADD or ADHD)
  • Joint assessment by a speech-language pathologist and a school psychologist
  • Consultation to review a child’s learning and previous assessments, to create a treatment plan and to explore school placement options
  • School meetings to discuss assessment findings and to assist with support planning

Psychoeducational assessments are available for preschool children from four years old up to December of grade one.

Preschool psychoeducational assessments

Preschool psychoeducational assessments provide information about:

  • intellectual functioning (e.g., verbal reasoning, memory, ability to problem-solve using pictures, information processing, etc.)
  • pre-academic skills/school readiness

Assessment requires between three and eight hours of time with the child and an average of three hours with parents.

For preschoolers where the concern is more literacy-based, a speech-language evaluation is recommended.

To seek psychoeducational or psychological services for your child, begin by opening a file.