Partner with us
The Montreal Fluency Centre partners with, schools and educators to help children experiencing speech-language or learning challenges.
What do we do?
We work with parents and daycare educators or teachers as a multidisciplinary team to provide treatment services both one-on-one and in small groups at the Centre’s offices. We collaborate with and accept referrals from professionals within the education system and have relationships with both public and private schools. Our clinicians can fill in gaps within schools that may not have psychologists or speech-language pathologists on staff. Our methods are research-based and our goals are individualized. Students’ progress is monitored regularly. The MFC is adaptable and strives to accommodate each school’s individual needs.
Schools may contract with MFC for services such as workshops, interventions and group programs.
Some of our past and present school collaborations include:
We also offer training and mentoring services, as well as off-site services such as treatment groups. Services in the following areas of specialization are available:
- Emergent literacy in preschool
- Teacher Collaboration project with a public anglophone high school in the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board
- Literacy Teacher Training at private bilingual elementary schools
- Preschool and Early Literacy Training/Teacher Collaboration with a public elementary school in the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board
- Reading Comprehension English Language Arts project with a private elementary school with Grade 5 and 6 classes
- Oral Narrative and Written Narrative projects for Grades Kindergarten, 1 and 2 at an English public elementary school in the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board
- Read It Again program with English Montreal School Board preschool classes
- Read It Again program in Cree with Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten teachers in public elementary schools
- Ahkwesahsne Speech Aide Training program with the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education
- Preschool and Elementary school services in Mohawk community schools
How are off-site services obtained and what do they cost?
To obtain off-site services, call reception at the Centre and book an appointment with a senior staff member. Typically, two to three meetings are required to determine your needs and how best the MFC can serve them. Initial meetings are free and can be held off-site, at the Centre’s offices or via Skype.
Cost depends on:
- the number of services provided
- the number of professionals required to deliver the service(s)
- the amount of time required to deliver the service(s)
Costs are calculated on an hourly or daily basis, depending on the scope of the project. Development costs may be included in the final budget. Travel time and mileage are added to the cost of the service.
Once a plan and budget have been mutually agreed upon, a payment plan can be worked out with the Centre’s finance manager.